Jim Cyr
Spiritual Companion
I am a retired minister who provides spiritual companionship that helps older adults reflect on the meaning of their life and how God is present or absent as they face the challenges of aging and end of life.
What is Spiritual Companionship?
Spiritual companionship is an interpersonal relationship in which we learn how to grow, live, and love in the spiritual life.
A spiritual companion is trained to listen to you and to God as you talk about your life. A spiritual companion listens nonjudgmentally as you seek to make meaning of your life and to discover how God is present in your challenges, joys, and sorrows.
Possible topics for spiritual companionship sessions:
- The challenges of physical and mental decline
- The stress adult children can cause
- What brings meaning and joy to your life
- Living with illness
- Coping with loneliness
- Facing end of life and death
- Questions about God
- Anger with God
- Forgiveness of self and others
- What failure has taught you
- Anger/frustration/disappointment with organized religion
- Grief

What is a Session of Spiritual Companionship Like?
We meet for an hour once a month, or how often it is comfortable for you, in person, by phone, or by Zoom.
We talk together about your life, your questions and wonderings about your life, God, what you believe, how God may be inviting you to a deeper relationship.
We take time for silence and prayer to listen for what God may be saying.
Spiritual Direction is not therapy, counseling, or mentoring.
It is a trained spiritual companion listening to a person and to God, as a person talks about their journey through life and how God is present or absent.
I have been on a spiritual journey since age five. My journey has taken me into pastoral ministry, crisis intervention and chaplaincy. I have worked with all kinds of people. I am trained and certified as a spiritual director through the Christos Center for Spiritual Formation.
What are the Benefits of Spiritual Companionship?
Take stock of your life with a safe, nonjudgmental, caring listener
Discover the wisdom life has taught you
Share your joys, sorrows, and challenges with someone who will honor all your life experiences and help you come to peace with them
Uncover the sacred story of your everyday life