When we come into this world, our hands are clenched. We are grabbing onto life. When we leave this world, our hands are open. We are letting go of life.

Death is the great letting go.

I.am_nah on Unsplash“>Photo by I.am_nah on Unsplash
When we die we let go of our physical bodies. We let go of the people we love and the ones we don’t love. We let go of all the things we’ve done in our lives: our successes and failures, our roles and jobs, our hobbies and pleasures.
So, how do we prepare for this great letting go?
“Letting go is how we prepare for dying…
Frank Ostaseski, The Five Invitations
An acceptance of impermanence helps us learn how to die.”
We prepare for the great letting go of death through forgiveness.
Dancing with death involves learning to let go of disappointments, hurts, betrayals, and rejections. We let go by forgiveness.
When we forgive ourselves for our failures and regrets, we let go. When we forgive others for their hurts, betrayals and rejections, we let go. When we forgive life itself for disappointing us and for the suffering it may have brought us, we let go.
Forgiveness opens our hands before we die so all that encumbers our minds, hearts, and souls can slip through the fingers of our open hands. Forgiveness unburdens us and allows us to die in peace.
So, why wait? Forgive now what needs to be forgiven. Begin the great letting go now so that you can dance with death when it comes!

Jim Cyr is a trained spiritual companion who helps older adults reflect on the meaning of their lives and how God has been present or absent as they face the challenges of aging and end of life.
You can learn more about Jim at www.jimcyr.com.