The Three Messengers of Aging

As we enter our “later years,” there are three messengers that come knocking at our door. Looking through our door’s peephole we see old age, illness, and death standing on our porch.

When these messengers arrive, and they will arrive at every home, we have a choice to make. Do we open the door, welcome them, and receive the wisdom they bring, or will we bar the door, curse them, and hide?

Except for the occasional wise Elder, no one teaches us how to welcome and heed these three messengers.

The world’s spiritual traditions teach that the best way to welcome the messengers of old age, illness, and death is with clear, quiet awareness.

Author and blogger, Carol Osborn, says, “Don’t wait to start your spiritual practice until it’s too late. We need that clear, quiet awareness to center us in the midst of the hits that keep coming with age.” (The Inner Work of Age. Shifting from Role to Soul, Connie Zweig, p. 23)

As musician and singer, Peter Mayer sings, old age, illness, and death, make cracks in our body and soul. What do we fill the cracks with?

I’m like one of those Japanese bowls

That were made long ago

I have some cracks in me

They have been filled with gold

That’s what they used back then

When they had a bowl to mend

It did not hide the cracks

It made them shine instead

So now every old scar shows

From every time I broke

And anyone’s eyes can see

I’m not what I used to be

But in a collector’s mind

All of these jagged lines

Make me more beautiful

And worth a much higher price

I’m like one of those Japanese bowls

I was made long ago

I have some cracks, you can see

See how they shine of gold.

From “Heaven Below”

Old age, illness, and death invite us to fill the cracks they make in body and soul with wisdom gained from clear-eyed reflection on our lives. Will we open our door to them?

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