In my work as a hospice chaplain, I often listened to the regrets people had as their life was coming to an end. Based on the regrets I heard most often; I would like to propose three New Year’s resolutions for you to consider..
“I will take good care of myself.”
At life’s end, people often regret not having taken better care of themselves, especially when their neglect decreased the quality or length of their life. Eat well! Sleep well! Stay physically active!
“I will be more loving to the people that matter most.”
At life’s end, people often regret not having prioritized the most important relationships in their life. For spouse, siblings, children, grandchildren, friends time equals love. Listening equals love. Caring equals love. Strengthen faltering relationships while there is still time. Forgive and ask forgiveness while there is still time. Express gratitude while there is still time.
This is a relevant resolution no matter what stage of life we find ourselves, for we do not know when our next breath will be our last.
“I will worry less.”
At life’s end people often regret the time they wasted worrying about things beyond their control.
“And can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your span of life?” Gospel of Matthew 6:27
Take a breath. Focus on the present moment. It’s all we have.
I invite you to pick the resolution that speaks loudest to you and spend some time considering how you might act on it.
Jim Cyr is a trained spiritual companion who helps older adults reflect on the meaning of their lives and how God has been present or absent as they face the challenges of aging and end of life.